Baptism Preparation


The Christian Community of St. Peter Parish welcomes you and your family with great joy as you prepare for the sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is a bonding time in the life of a Christian. It is the beginning of a life-time friendship with Jesus. Our Church community gives us a sense of belonging. In Baptism we are welcomed into this community of believers in Jesus Christ, His Message and His mission. Original sin is not some blot on the person incurred by physical heredity, but an inheritance from being born into an environment of selfishness and influenced by personal sin. The whole Church and especially parents and godparents make a promise at Baptism to create an environment in which the newly baptized can live and grow and experience God’s love and presence. The Gift of God’s presence in us is called Grace. He gives it freely and generously to each of us.

In Baptism, we gain this Gift of Grace by sharing in His life and by becoming His own children.

 We welcome you into our community to share the joy and love of Jesus.

Baptism Request Form

Thank you for your interest in getting baptized at St. Peter Catholic Church!
Please provide the following information and we will get back to you soon. 

Request Form Here
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