Ministry for every man.
Check out how much impact this program can have on your life.
I am very thankful for the TMIY program at St. Peter. I always recommend it to friends in our area and to friends at other parishes who may benefit from it. The content is first-class and supported by excellent presentations. I consistently come away every Saturday morning with a new perspective on my faith that strengthens me going forward. This small time commitment has increased my faith and has been well worth the early morning meetings. Additional benefits include a warm welcome by fellow parishioners who share like-minded perspectives.
"That Man is You" has been a huge blessing in my life. My decision to join the parish sponsored "That Man is You" program was a result of my participation in "Choice Wine" as well as the invitation of a most appreciated St. Peter Parishioner. TMIY has provided me with the opportunity to improve my faith in Catholicism and God. I have jumped on that opportunity. As a result of participating in That Man is You, I find myself hungry to pray more and to spend more time reading and reflecting on scripture and then applying lessons learned from TMIY and scripture reading to my daily personal and professional lives. I have established a daily prayer routine as a result of my participation in TMIY. That has improved the quality of my life and marriage- greatly reducing stress in my life and helping me identify the truly important things in life. It has improved my personal productivity. I highly recommend TMIY to other men looking to improve the quality of their life.
TMIY has had a tremendous impact on my faith and my life. The sessions such as journey to the Holy Land have been powerful and insightful. There is a great group of speakers who are men like me who share their story of faith that are moving. The small group sessions at the end are awesome as we get to discuss many challenges we all face as men.
TMIY has encouraged me to be more active in my prayer life thru Adoration and Confession along with Daily Mass. in addition it has been a pleasure to meet with faith based men in our parish and build a community- it is the men that make the program as I always say.
Our group meets at 6:45am on Saturday mornings for fellowship and faith formation. We follow the Paradisus Dei format which is a short video and then small group discussion! We are always welcoming new men to the group. This is a great opportunity to connect with other men in our St. Peter Community and discuss the real challenges men face in today’s world.
Come and join us for good fun and competition on Sunday nights at 7pm in the St. Peter Gym! We are always looking for new members who want to play and enjoy some competitive fun!
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:15 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:20 - 4:30 PM